It’s gonna sound sad, but…it’s true.

Being a mom gives you the best feeling of unconditional love, to the point when you love your child so much that it hurts, to the point where you are incredibly protective, to the point where you want to put 5 yellow stickers in the back of your car window that says Baby on Board. What has happened to me I also discovered deeper love for my mom that I’ve never felt before. I became softer, more understanding and thinking what would my mom do in different situations that I go thru daily. It’s funny when I sing to my baby girl I all of sudden remember my mom signing that to me; or when I gently touch my baby’s face I can remember my mom doing the same. I never knew I could gain new kinda of love for my daughter and my mom. Love your moms, they are special, they are a part of you ❤️

Girly girl…🎀💄👠

Do you get those days when you need to get dressed very girly and wear bright make up (in moderation of course). I consider my style conservatively girly,mostly wear dresses and skirts, cute blouses, flats and not very high heels.  Even though my birthday is in July, I’m already thinking of what am I gonna wear on my special day:) saying good-bye to my 20s won’t be easy, that’s why I decided to be as girly as I can be:) I suddenly realized that I’ve never worn tulle skirt before and it’s a must-do before I enter my 30th b-day…Here are the looks that I like and want to hear and see if you ever wore a tulle skirt and what did you pair it with? Continue reading

Day Trip to Lilly Pulitzer store…

oh how excited was I to get Jesse Skort Romper from Lilly Pulitzer… Drove  2 hours to a nearest store got size 0 and 00 (which are usually my sizes at LP store), and got my heart broken, romper sizes run so much smaller. As I was being optimistic I decided to suck it up and try next size 2 which again didn’t fit, romper wouldn’t close by 1 inch and bottom was now too lose…ugh I didn’t go for size 4, but got something else instead. Wasn’t too disappointed, all those prints are just way too fab 🙂 Please share your fave Lilly dress:)

My hubby’s surprise birthday…

today is my hubby’s birthday and I was being very sneaky about what I was planning… So, I hinted couple times (well, maybe more than that) that he would have to wake up early and it would involve day trip, but wouldn’t say where, and that I wasn’t completely sure if it was a great idea… That’s when he was a bit nervous thinking that we are gonna go to some sorta botanical garden (there’s nothing wrong with that, but not that it would be a great idea for his special day….) or shopping spree (which is nothing worse for him). I bought bunch of golf gifts for him and told him that in the morning when he’ll open up his presents he’ll figure out what are we gonna do… So, first thing in the morning he opened up his presents and I told him that we have a tee time to play golf in 2 hours at Crandon Golf Course at Key Biscayne, his facial expression was priceless ( almost like relieved and happy). Let me tell you, that golf course is stunning, well kept, great service, a bit pricey but worth it. If you are ever in Miami / Key Biscayne and you enjoy playing golf I’d highly recommend to have a round there. Oh and please don’t judge my outfit, I wasn’t playing😜

Got hooked on…

“The Mindy Project”…I can’t believe how funny and fast pace is this show. I’m a huge Office fan so I loved Mindy on that of course, however seeing the previews I thought this show was lame and not funny. So I didn’t watch it up until couple days ago, and now I’m hooked. I’m watching it on , they have 3 seasons. Let me know if you ever watched it or what’s your currently favorite series? 🙂

Slightly obsessed ….

… with Origins skin care brand. I’ve never had perfect skin to begin with, went thru pimples and blackheads just like most of the women, and forget about “that time of the month”, tried bunch of expensive stuff, and nothing seemed to work as great as Origins. I tried Origins first when I was shopping at Sephora store and saw a gift set that contained moisturizer, cleanser and masque (sorta sample sizes). I was skeptical to buy full size, so I went ahead and got gift set. I’ve read up about the company, that they use potent plants, organic ingredients and 100% natural essential oils, which is amazing. It’s been more than year now that I’ve been using and trying new creams and the results are great, knock on wood… My advise to you: start with gift sets just to try to see what will work for you.

Why do I love Sundays <3

Not only because it’s a weekend day, but also because it’s the most quiet time of the day that I have during the week. I usually start of Sunday with morning routine of having Starbucks Sumatra coffee and watching 80’s movie, preferably comedy starring Chevy Chase, Goldie Hawn, John Candy, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams… It just puts me in a great mood😊 What’s your Sunday morning routine?:)

There’s always a first time…

Hmmmm, where do I start? I have so many thoughts in my head that I need to start prioritizing… I’ll start from what interests me. Uhm… 🙂 No, not only boats and pearls judging by the name of the blog but also living life, as simple as that. I’m a wife to loving husband Mr. Blake, I have full time managing job and I do enjoy reading, travelling, cooking, creating and discovering new things which I’ll be sharing with you. So, buckle up;) oh and hi, my name is Masha😜